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Internship regulations
Prácticas ETSA Internship regulations  ...
The legal framework of the practices in companies and regulations of the UPV and the ETSA in the matter.
Real Decreto 592/2014216Kb
Real Decreto 592/2014, de 11 de julio, por el que se regulan las prácticas académicas externas de los estudiantes universitarios.
Royal Decree 1493/2011162Kb
Royal Decree 1493/2011, of October 24, which regulates the terms and conditions of inclusion in the General Social Security Scheme of people who participate in training programs.
Royal Decree-Law 8/20149,4Mb
Royal Decree-Law 8/2014, of July 4, approving urgent measures for growth, competitiveness, and efficiency. Twenty-fifth additional provision. Bonus in the Social Security contribution to the external curricular practices of university and professional training students.
Regulations on internships in companies of the UPV 2015292Kb
Regulation by which the regulations on internships in companies and institutions of the Polytechnic University of Valencia students are established.
Minimum Bag Resolution709Kb
Resolution of the UPV of October 2, 2017, that establishes a minimum bag of 3.75 euros/hour for University internships.
Resolution on solidarity practices825Kb
Resolution of the Vice-Rector for Employment and Entrepreneurship of the UPV, of November 27, 2018, by which the possibility of exemption from the study wage amount and limits to it is approved, aimed at students of external practices within the solidarity practices modality.

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