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BioITACA Research Group

The bioengineering group belongs to Polytechnique University of Valencia (UPV) and was a cofounder of 'The Institute for the Applications of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies' (ITACA). In added, Bioengineering is a full member of the Biomedical engineering network center (CRIB) of UPV and takes part in the Master's in Biomedical Engineering of Valencia.

The main objective of the group has been the introduction of the technology in the diagnostic procedure. With this aim the BIO-ITACA group has collaborated with the clinical world by means of multidisciplinary equipment and projects. The group is collaborating with different Spanish research institutions, universities and hospitals, some of them belonging to CIBER-TEC, as well as European institutions (Lund-Sweden, Universitats Klinikum Magdeburg-Germany, Politecnica de Milan-Italy) and American clinics (Montreal Heart Institute, Cleveland Clinic). There is also a tight collaboration with other groups in ITACA working in Telemedicine, Medical Informatics and GRID applications.

Another important objective of the group has been the technological transference to the business network of the sector; unfortunately the Spanish biomedical technologic business still has a high dependence in multinational companies. The BIO-ITACA group had technological transfer contracts with several companies and foundations as TEMEL, Bioingeniria S.A., Medtronic Ibérica, TELEHEALTH, S.L., Fundación Casa del Corazón, Asoaciación instituto de Biomecánica, Centro Tecnológico AINIA, etc.

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