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Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
X Congreso de AELFE Instructions for Submitting Abstracts  ...

10th International AELFE Conference

Applying Research and Teaching to Specialized Languages and Technology


Instructions for Submitting Abstracts


The abstracts should be written in Tahoma (12pt) with line spacing at 1.5. The text should be saved in MS Word (first author’s last name as name of file) and sent (via email) as an attachment to aelfe2011@upv.es.

1. The title of the article should be left-justified and in capital letters. One line should be left blank after the title.

2. In small case letters, add the surname(s) and name(s) of each author. Each name should be written on a separate line.

3. Each author’s affiliation (institution, city, country)

4. Each author’s e-mail address for contact purposes.

5. Key words (max. 6) for the proposal.

6. The abstract should not exceed 300 words in length.

The six key words should reflect the field(s) of research addressed in the proposal, e.g. genres, needs analysis, terminology, discourse analysis, curricular design, corpus linguistics, etc.

The title, abstract and key words should be written in the language to be used for the article and in English (or in Spanish, if the paper is in English or another language).

Abstracts should be submitted before March 1, 2011 and only to the AELFE Organizing Committee at: aelfe2011@upv.es

EMAS upv