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Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering

120 credits

Give access to scholarships

60 openings


The Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering provides students with solid scientific and technical training in process and product engineering, with special emphasis on processes, equipment, facilities and services whereby matter undergoes changes in composition, state or energy content, which are characteristic of both the chemical industry and other related sectors, such as the environmental, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, materials or energy sectors. Also important is the training in management and sustainability, where the student acquires very useful applied knowledge in business and project management, and training in transversal competences.


The Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering provides the necessary training to find employment, not only in the chemical industry, but also in other related sectors such as the environmental, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, materials or energy sectors. In these areas, graduates will be able to conceive, plan, calculate and design processes, equipment, industrial installations and services, as well as manage and supervise them. They can also work in consultancy firms, technical offices, public administrations, and research and development centres.

Admission criteria

The reference degree required for admission to the master's degree is a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering. Other graduates can also access the master's degree, but they will need to complete additional courses before being admitted.

The Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering + Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering is the equivalent of a long cycle in chemical engineering. Graduates of the master's degree will be able to join the Association of Chemical Engineers of the Valencian Community (Col·legi Oficial d'Enginyers Químics de la Comunitat Valenciana), which until now has been the official association for long-cycle chemical engineers.

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