Privacy policy

1. Privacy policy. Processing of personal data


In this section you will find information about the use that the Universitat Politècnica de València ('the University' or 'the UPV', hereinafter) makes of your personal data in relation to the data provided on this website. If you are a student, prospective student, employee or have any other type of relationship or link with the University, information about the use of your data is available in our Register of Processing Activities, without prejudice to the information that may have been provided to you, in an expanded form, in each case.

Therefore, this information is aimed at users of the website who provide their personal data to the University through some of the contact channels made available to people outside the university community.

It is important that you are aware that this website is not intended for children under 14 years of age, so they cannot provide their personal data to the University without the authorisation of their parents or legal guardians. Finally, we would like to inform you that you are responsible for the accuracy of the data you provide us with and for updating them, if necessary.

1.1 Data controller

The responsible for your data is the Universitat Politècnica de València, with address at Camí de Vera s/n, CP 46023 - Valencia (Spain) and contact telephone +34 96 387 70 00.

The UPV has designated a Data Protection Delegate, who can be contacted by writing an email to to answer any questions you may have regarding the processing of your personal data.

1.2 Purposes of the use of your data and legal bases

Your data may be processed for various purposes depending on the means of contact and the reason for which you contact us.

1.2.1. Contact and e-Office

You can contact us through PoliConsulta, Poli(SQF), Whatsapp or any other available way. In this way, the University will process your data in order to deal with the request received. We will be able to do this because you authorise us to do so, by consenting to the contact initiative or by creating an account on UPV-Contact.

On other occasions, such as in the case of the use of our e-Office, we will process your data in compliance with a legal obligation or on the basis of a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority.

1.2.2. Event registration

If you register for an event organised or co-organised by the University, we will process your data to manage your registration and participation in the event.

At the event, photographs will be taken and videos will be filmed for publication on the University website, social networks, exhibitions, magazines and/or educational publications, the images or videos made for informative and/or informative purposes. If you attend the event, we cannot guarantee that you will not be photographed or filmed, so we recommend that you do not pose for the camera. However, please note that you have the right to object by informing the photographer or videographer of the event not to capture your image (if possible) or by writing to our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address The legitimacy of the processing of your data is based on the consent given at the time of registration and the transfer of the image is free of charge. In the case of minors under 14 years of age, consent is given by their father, mother, guardian or legal representative.

As a participant in the event, we may send you information about similar activities organised by the University that may be of interest to you on the basis of our legitimate interest. If you do not wish to receive them, you may object by writing to

1.2.3. Surveys

It is possible that, as an alumnus of one of the degrees offered by the University, both official and unofficial, you may receive quality surveys to assess the level of satisfaction with the training received, which will allow us to make improvements in future editions. The basis of legitimacy will be the fulfilment of a mission carried out in the public interest, and you may object by writing to our Data Protection Officer at

1.2.4. Enquiries received through Poli[Solicita], Poli[Consulta], Poli[SQF], Poli[Cita]

If you use any of the aforementioned applications or any other similar application that may be developed in the future to contact the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, it will process your personal data to manage queries, complaints, congratulations, appointments or requests received through these channels. The basis of legitimacy is the fulfilment of a mission carried out in the public interest.

1.2.5. Attention to the right to information request

The data provided by you will be processed by the UNIVERSTITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA in its capacity as Data Controller, for the purpose of registering and processing requests for access to information made by citizens under Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to information and good governance and, where appropriate, regional legislation in this regard. The legal basis for legitimising the processing of personal data lies in compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller (Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to information and good governance and, where appropriate, regional legislation in this regard).

1.2.6. Cookies

We may also process personal data that may be collected through the installation in your browser of cookies that you have accepted. For more information about cookies and their purposes, please see our Cookie Policy.

1.3 How long we will keep your data

The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected and to determine any liability that may arise from that purpose and from the processing of the data, as well as for as long as you do not withdraw your consent. However, the data may be retained, where appropriate, for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific and historical research purposes or for statistical purposes.

1.4 Communications to third parties and International Data Transfers

The University will not communicate your data to third parties unless legally or judicially required to do so, for example for the formulation, exercise or defence of claims, as well as to public and private entities to which it is necessary or obligatory to transfer them in order to manage the service requested, as well as in the cases provided for by law.

This does not preclude access to your data by providers who provide us with a service related to the purpose of the processing, such as WhatsApp. By using this method, you accept the platform's Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use. If you choose to communicate with us via WhatsApp, we recommend that you do not provide us with sensitive data via WhatsApp for security and privacy reasons, as the data may be transferred by WhatsApp LLC or WhatsApp Ireland Limited to any of the companies owned by Meta Platforms Inc. or Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. and any of their data centres and service providers. All of these may be located anywhere in the world, so your data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area.

With regard to the taking of photographs at events and their dissemination, we inform you that the data may be processed by all those who are part of the chain of contracting said photographs (or accessed by third parties who must provide services to them), for the purposes of guaranteeing the present authorisation on the transfer of image rights. Likewise, the data will be communicated to the platforms on which the images are disseminated (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and any other platform on which the University has a corporate account), resulting in an International Transfer of Data, as reported in the terms, conditions and Privacy Policy of these platforms.

We also have other providers who can make International Data Transfers, informing you that the University has adopted the appropriate safeguards as indicated in art. 45 to 49 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016.

1.5 Your rights

You may exercise your data protection rights in relation to the use of your personal data, as recognised in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to data processing (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR") and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD-GDD).

  • Access: to find out whether or not your data is being processed.
  • Rectify: to rectify inaccurate data.
  • Delete: to cease processing when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • Oppose: to stop them from being treated in specific circumstances.
  • Limiting processing: to limit the scope of processing in certain cases, while ensuring their preservation.
  • Pass on your data: to receive the data previously provided or request that it be sent to a third party.
  • To revoke at any time the consent previously granted, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to the revocation.
  • Formulate a complaint before the Spanish Data Protection Agency in the event of considering that the University has not correctly dealt with any of the above.

To exercise your rights, you should write an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer at the following, indicating the right you are exercising. Our DPD will let you know if it is necessary for you to provide any additional information or document if there are doubts about the verification of your identity. If you prefer, you can use the modelos de ejercicios de derechos available to you from the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You have a model for each right.

1.6 Security

The University, as a Public Law entity, is subject to compliance with the security measures set out in Royal Decree 311/2022, of 3 May, which regulates the National Security Scheme.

In this way, your data are processed by applying technical and organisational security measures in accordance with the type of data processed, the technology used and the risks derived from it, investing all our efforts in preventing unauthorised third parties from accessing, modifying or deleting your information.

Contact us

Send us a suggestion, a complaint or your congratulations. Consult your doubts directly with us. Avoid travel and waiting