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General data




Compliments, complaints and suggestions



Presentation and Brochure

Acceso al Máster en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos


Información relevante próximo curso

Normativa de Integridad Académica

Pre-enrolment and Access

Secretaría ETSIT (Contactar para incidencias en matrícula, TFM, cambios de asignaturas, Exptes académicos, etc)


Master's Thesis

Grants and Scholarships

Research and Doctorate

Academic Exchange

Criterios de Admisión


 In order:

·         Telecommunications engineers (300 ECTS)

·         Bachelor (graduate) in telecommunications (240 ECTS)

·         Graduates in related areas (Computer, Electronics, Physics or Industrial sciences  -electronics-)

·         Technical engineers in Telecommunications or related areas (same order) (180 ECTS)

·         Professionals with experience in the Communication and Information Technologies field.

The selection of candidates will be done by using the following criteria:

·         Qualifications

·         Curriculum Vitae

·         Interest and Profile Adaptation

·         Research and professional experience


To hold the corresponding degree is a requirement for master's studies enrollment. However, UPV students may be admitted in the course starting in September provided they plan to defend the Last Year Project (TFG) before 22nd December of the same year. In this case, they must present a letter signed by the director of his TFG about such commitment (letter of guarantee TFG).

In the condition is not satisfied before the deadline, the university would proceed to cancel the registration.

Note: Those students who have the University Master's degree in communication technologies, systems and networks will be admitted directly to the Telecommunication Doctorate program of the Department of Communications, with the exception of those technical engineers who have not completed 300 ECTS (Graduate 240+Master 60), as a requisite for Master´s studies enrollment.

EMAS upv