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Bachelor's Degree in Forest and Environmental Engineering

What does this degree involve?

The aim of this degree is to train responsible professionals in the conservation, restoration, sustainable management and planning of terrestrial and continental aquatic ecosystems, as well as in the industrial use and transformation of resources from such environments with techniques which simulate or guide natural processes and in the socio-economic implications. All of this in a way that is environmentally suitable, economically viable and socially acceptable.

What skills do you need before starting this degree?

You will require a solid grounding in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. It is also important to know a foreign language (basically, English), although you will have the opportunity to improve your language skills during the course.

What skills will you have once you finish this degree?

When you finish the course, you will be able to:

    • Sustainably manage, plan, produce and certify forest areas.

    • Manage and conserve wild terrestrial and aquatic fauna.

    • Design the repopulation of forest land and restore degraded ecosystems.

    • Plan territories and landscape, parks and recreational forest areas.

    • Protect and conserve the natural environment and manage protected natural spaces.

    • Carry out projects and evaluate natural systems and forest resources.

What are your professional options after you finish this degree?

This degree will qualify you to work in technical forest engineering. You will be able to work for consultancy companies and public companies linked to state or regional environmental authorities, public authorities (local, regional, central and European), or become self-employed in firms in the sector or in the wood industry and bioengineering.

The main types of work available in consultancy companies and public firms are projects and in some cases, works or site management. Public authority work will involve project management and supervision and work in industry will be related to the purchase of timber, chain of custody and certification.

International cooperation has become hugely important in recent years due to the importance of forests in the world's environmental agenda (climate change, deforestation, sustainable development, etc.).

What are your internship options?

ETSIAMN has broad experience in this field and has found that internships are fundamental in the first job search. For that reason, the Faculty facilitates internships in companies and institutions, and every year we send around 650 students to 300 firms in different related sectors.

Where can you spend a semester?

ETSIAMN encourages mobility between countries. Around 200 students travel abroad and around 300 come from other countries. The Faculty has agreements in place with highly prestigious, successful European and American universities.

What are your master's degree options?

This degree provides access to the Master's Degree in Forest Engineering which qualifies graduates to work as forest engineers.

In addition, you can access several master's degrees offered at the UPV related to the environment: Master's Degree in Hydraulic Engineering and Environment; Erasmus Mundus in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems; Master's Degree in Plant Genetics and Breeding; Master's Degree in Health and Vegetable Production and Master's Degree in Agrifood and Environmental Economy.

And, as in the other cases, you can also request access to any UPV master's degree course by taking the corresponding bridging subjects.

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