Improve user experience in PoliformaT

PoliformaT offers options that improve the organization of the platform for users, depending on their role in the subject or course...

PoliformaT offers options that improve the organization of the platform for users, depending on their role in the subject or course.

  • For teachers: in SITE INFO section of the menu on the left side, he can active only tools that will be used. In this way we will avoid having empty tools in our subject. In addition, from this same section you can manage the groups, add participants, and other available options. Check all the options in the poliformat help wiki .
  • For students and teachers: In MY POLIFORMAT site - "Preferences" section of the menu on the left side, we can select active sites, and order the subjects/courses that we have. Also we can hide these sites if we will not use them. We'll reduce the number of active sites.

For any problem or question, please contact to Gregal