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Youth Online Project
Instituto de Ciencias de la Educaciķn Youth Online Project  ...

Youth Online Project originates from the necessity of adaption to continuous technological and educational changes in the world and also for fighting against widespread educational problems of schools.

ESL has been a serious problem for both Turkey and Europe for years. lt has become a major priority for the governments of all countries to reduce the rate. ln fact, the rate of early drop out and poor attendance (as a previous step) are perceived to show the quality in education system of a country. The aim of this project is to draw attention to the drop out for the students between 15-18 and to be an example for the schools in neighbourhood as a preventive measure.

The purpose of the project is to determine the current situation of the schools for this problem by doing situation, needs, factor and risk analysis to the students who drop out and have poor attandence first, then to develop prevention for the students in risk group. As a result of this, it aims to develop an online tool; an application which the students can both develop their skills and make their career plans.

Because of their failure to complete high school, dropouts experience a host of negative outcomes (Belfield&Levin,2007). lt's also stated in Eurostat that in 2012, about 5.5 million youngs in EU dropped out at early ages. So,the aim of the EU is to reduce the dropout rate to 10%. Whereas the rate in Turkey is really serious %35.

The act of dropping out is influenced by an array factors related to the student individually, the family, school, community settings in which the student lives, etc. Students themselves report a variety of reasons for quitting school. The decision to drop out isn't a simply result of what happens in school. Clearly, students' behaviour and performance in school influence their decision to stay or leave. But students' activities and behaviours outside of school also influence decision. There is a significant effect of dropout on students on their following years (Symth1999). We can tackle them on different categories as school, society and individual student. The influence of dropout and poor attendance on schools are the rate of success of the schools decrease due to the low grades as a result of poor attendance, these kinds of students cause sorne discipline problems, the missing classes or assignments cause failure in educational integration, the influence of dropout and poor attendance on society, unemployed young population cost 2 million Euros per week which means 100 miIlion Euros a year.

The rate of unemployment among those drop out at early age is 40%, whereas the rate of those who continue is 23%.

  • lt causes a decrease in country's potential income. Decreasing drop out at early age to 1% will provide 500000 young employees into European economy. This is why we can say that as socially unemployment is triggered by the early school dropout, the end result is that the government always has to allocate more financial resources for social security and social benefits.
  • lncrease in crime rates: As a matter of fact, about half of the people in a prison in the US come from people who have left school(Cassel-2003).
  • Unqualified employees are grown so there is no qualified working staff.
  • lt causes not to be a spiritually balanced generation.

This project aims to increase the attendance levels at partner schools and attaintment levels of higher education of students who can plan their lives to make a good start with the help of this project. A really experienced and eager project group has gathered for them in this partnership.

We have decided to create a project in order to develop a conscious and resilient follow-up strategy by making awareness about ESL with analyses and creating an online tool application to appeal to the interests of students, to demonstrate their talents to explore, to do recreational activities and so on. We believe that ESL is so much connected to the deficiency of skills and competences among youngesters. So if we support their social improvements, they can be more motivated to their own future and attend higher education to find a safisticated job. lt is a cyle ; if they enhance themselves, they will attend school life and if they attend school, they will form their personal and professional life.

With this Project, we plan to find solutions for the following: What are the reasons for drop out and poor attendance? Which students in the school are under risk? How can we make our schools a better place for the students in this technological era? How can we improve them in or out of the school? How can we create an environment to help them discover their abilities and socialise among their friends?

We offer the project proposal consistent with the EU 2020 Strategies of European Commission. Because EU targets to reduce the school dropout from 15% to 10% and to increase the graduation rate of higher education from 40% to 31%.

EMAS upv