
Alicante is a university city, with various faculties and a series of technical colleges. In summer a variety of Spanish courses for foreigners are held.

The City offers an interesting range of cultural activities taking place in various centres around town, such as the Casa de la Cultura (cultural centre), which has a well-stocked library, a historical archive and keeps locals and visitors abreast of cultural movements by staging expositipns, conferences and films. A number of financial entities also have their own Cultural Centres, offering a diversified programme throughout the year. The Teatro Principal, a neo-classical building of the middle 19th century, with an extensive programme, the exhibition centre Lonja del Pescado...

In the month of September the National Theatre Meeting "Alicante a Escena" is held, along with the International Contemporary Music Festival. In December there is an International Puppet Festival.

UPV | Valencian Community | Guided Tour