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Área de Centro de Lenguas
Horario de Atención al Público
El Centro de Lenguas ha puesto en marcha un MEETING POINT que esperamos sirva como punto de encuentro para la práctica de distintas lenguas mediante: Tandems lingüísticos; Sala de lectura con prensa internacional y servicio de préstamos de libros; Jornadas temáticas internacionales y Actividades ...
Actividadades y Conversation Tandem at the Meeting Point
¿que tal si perfeccionas tu nivel de españos, inglés u otro idiomas? Ven al Meeting Point e intercambia experiencias con estudiantes españoles y de otros idiomas.
International conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Language Centre of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
New challenges for Language Centres - Current trends in Language Assessment639Kb
The UPV is a public, dynamic and innovative institution that is dedicated to researching and teaching. It maintains strong bonds with its social environment and a strong presence abroad. Currently, our university community is made up of over 42.000 people. Of these, nearly 37.800 are students, 2.600 are members of the teaching and research staff and 1.700 are administrative and services personnel. UPV is composed of 10 schools, 3 faculties and 2 higher polytechnic schools. The Language Centre of the Universitat Politècnica aims to fulfil the University's needs in the field of foreign languages and to facilitate its incorporation into the European Space for Higher Education. We would like to invite you as lecturers, researchers and managers of other higher education institutions to share experiences and ideas creating an environment in which collaboration and innovation will be fostered. Submissions are invited for interested participants. Proposals for oral presentations, workshops and poster presentations will be accepted on the following topics Good practices in language testing. Performance-based assessment. The role of university language centres. Language accreditation and mutual recognition.
Dentro del área de apoyo a la docencia, la actividad del CDL incluye las siguientes líneas de actuación:

Revisión de material docente a través de convocatoria

Traducción y/o revisión de artículos de investigación que vayan a ser publicados en revistas de ...

EMAS upv