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Dades generals

Pla d'estudis



Suggeriments, queixes i felicitacions



Presentación y Folletos

Acceso al Máster en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos

Información Relevante curso actual (Profesores, Horarios...)

Información relevante próximo curso

Normativa de Integridad Académica

Preinscripción y Acceso

Secretaría ETSIT (Contactar para incidencias en matrícula, TFM, cambios de asignaturas, Exptes académicos, etc)

Pràctiques en empresa

Treball de fi de màster

Ayudas y Becas

Investigación y Doctorado

Intercanvi Acadèmic

Research opportunity in the DSP Centre (Bangor University, United Kingdom)

The successful candidate will be working full time, as a member of University staff, on the DSP Centre’s research projects at an annual salary of >£22k (for people under the age of 26).At the same time,  the candidate will also be registered as a full-time PhD student with tuition fee being waived. More...

The initial employment contract would be 3-4 years, which may be extended depending upon the candidate’s research capability and contributions.  The candidate is expected to obtain his/her PhD degree towards the end of his/her employment contract. If the candidate obtains his/her PhD degree within the duration of the initial employment contract, a new contract at a post-doc salary level will be issued.

Contact email: bortega@dcom.upv.es

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Annex information

EMAS upv