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Organización del CESGAHACK4 en Marzo 25-29 en Santiago de Compostela

El centro de supercomputación CESGA y la empresa APPENTRA organizan el CESGAHACK4.

CESGA and APPENTRA are organizing CESGAHACK4, which will take place in March 25-29th in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). In this fourth event in the CESGAHACK series (https://www.appentra.com/training/hackathons/) the goal is to help to accelerate scientific and engineering software using parallel programming and high performance computing. In this new edition we are also interested in exploring how we can help to accelerate AI/ML/DL software, given its growing relevance in many industrial sectors. Find attached PDFs with two success cases from previous CESGAHACKs, which are representative of the potential impact of participating in CESGAHACK4.

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