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Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering

What does this degree entail?

The Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering aims to provide its future graduates with scientific and technical training, so that they can meet the needs of the aviation industry and administration, of air transport, and of research in the aeronautics and aerospace fields. The solid and profound scientific and technical training that it provides culminates in one of the following specific technology modules: Aircrafts, Air Navigation, Airports, Aerospace Equipment and Materials, and Propulsion. These modules qualify students for practising the profession of aeronautical technical engineer in each of the areas that it comprises.

What skills do you need before starting this degree?

It is advisable to have prior knowledge of physics, mathematics, chemistry and technical drawing. It is also desirable to have a calling for learning and, specifically, for lifelong learning in science and technology, particularly in the field of aeronautical engineering. Also important are other qualities such as responsibility, professional ethics, a capacity for teamwork, tolerance and commitment.

What skills will you have once you finish this degree?

A graduate in Aerospace Engineering can design, develop and manage aerospace vehicles, propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport infrastructure, air navigation infrastructure and any air space, air traffic or air transport management systems. They also have the capacity to do the following: project preparation, direction and management; technical direction; issuing an expert opinion or a certificate; writing reports; giving technical advice on tasks pertaining to their specialty; holding genuine aerospace technical positions; and analysing the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.

What are your professional options after you finish this degree?

With this degree, which presents many varied job opportunities, you will be able to work in the aviation sector, in airlines, in the aviation and aerospace industry and infrastructure, in military aviation, in airport management... and also in the following sectors: car industry, transportation, telecommunications, energy, electronics, IT consulting... You can create your own business, or freely practise as an engineering advisor and consultant. Moreover, you can also choose a public administration career (as a European Union, national, regional or local administration civil servant or employee); or a career in research, development and innovation (at public or private education centres, or in R&D departments of large companies) or in teaching.

What are your internship options?

Students of the Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering can do internships in companies (which in some cases include the preparation of the student's bachelor's thesis). Practices will be held in companies belonging to different industrial sectors -especially to the aerospace sector-, and their aim will be for students to get to know professional reality, under the tutelage of a company technician and a professor of the degree.

Where can you spend a semester abroad?

Students can complete their training abroad thanks to the numerous agreements with universities in Europe (Technische Universität München, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, University of Leeds...), America (University of Illinois, Georgia Institute of Technology...) and Australia (University of New South Wales).

What are your master's degree options?

With this degree, you will be able to access the Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering, which will qualify its graduates to practice the profession of aeronautical engineering.

You will also be able to access the following master's degree studies offered by the UPV: Mechanical Engineering; Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines; Maintenance Engineering; Automation and Industrial Informatics; Project Management; Integrated Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing; and Business, Product and Service Management.

And, as in all cases, you may request access to any UPV master's degree studies by taking the corresponding levelling subjects.

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