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66 Opportunities

UPV opens its venues to researchers through the Individual Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Fellowship Program

[ 22/07/2016 ]
66 oportunidades

UPV is opening its venues to host researchers through the Individual Marie Sklodowska–Curie Action Fellowship Program.

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has presented its proposal to host in its venues researchers that apply for one of the grants included in the Individual Marie Sklodowska–Curie Action Fellowship Program (MSCA).

These grants, requested through the European Union (EU) by host centers and researchers, allow contracts at highly competitive salaries. In order to take part in the program, criteria regarding research experience and mobility must be met. Researchers interested in the grants can check them via the link found below.

The application deadline ends the next September 14th

Following the steps required, UPV has published the appropriate expressions of interest (EOI)–66 in total, across 8 categories: Chemistry, Social Sciences and Humanities, Economics, Information Sciences and Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Geology, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physics–in order to be a host center for these researchers.

These grants will have a duration of between 12 and 36 months and the deadline to apply ends the next September 14th.

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