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Satisfied graduates


93.49% of UPV graduates would study there again, and one in three has found a job after finish their studies

An outstanding percentage of graduates of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) -namely, 93.49%- would study there again, as indicated by the Survey Program conducted by the Integrated Employment Service (SIE) for the 2012-2013 academic year.

The survey results, which were presented to the UPV Governing Council by José Millet, Managing Director of Entrepreneurship and Employment, also show that 91'09% of UPV graduates are satisfied with the training that they received in the course of their studies, and evaluate it with an average of 6.88 out of 10 -which is an improvement on the previous year’s (2011-2012) results, which were 90.10% and 6.84, respectively.

Of all respondents, 97.95% would go to college again, and 76'28% would choose the same degree. In addition, 83.83% of graduates are satisfied with the training offered by the degree that they studied; 92.06%, with the theoretical training that they received; and 90.74%, with the promotion of teamwork at the UPV.

More than half of them have done internships and 30% have been in international exchange programs

As regards their activities during their studies, more than half of the graduates (52.69%) have done internships and almost one in three (30.28%) has participated in international exchange programs.

One in three graduates found a job after finish their studies

As for their employment status after finishing their studies, 31.18% of the graduates are working (in a private company, in their own company or in the public administration), which also represents a slight improvement from the previous year’s 31.04%.

Great satisfaction with the UPV infrastructure

Satisfaction with regard to the infrastructure of the UPV is very high too. Thus, 93.50% of the graduates consider it appropriate as far as classrooms are concerned; 86.88%, in the case of workshops and laboratories; 89.20%, in relation to computer rooms; and 85.09%, as regards study rooms –with an outstanding 98.14% satisfied with the UPV Library.

The survey, which collects data from 3115 graduates out of a total population of 5310 (i.e., from 58'66% of all UPV graduates), has an overall sampling error of 1.13%.

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