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Financial Support for Easmus mobility for studies 2024-2025 (semester mobility within Europe)


Erasmus financial support from SEPIE
(EU funds)

How and when is the grant paid

Complementary grants of the Regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana)

Other grants
(banks and other institutions...)


The purpose of the Erasmus scholarship is not to fully finance the students' mobilities but to compensate for the difference in living standards between the country of origin and the destination country and/or to help cover extra expenses, such as travel.

The financial aid available to the beneficiaries of an Erasmus+ mobility activity is always subject to the distribution of European funds carried out by the Spanish National Erasmus Agency -SEPIE (www.sepie.es).

The UPV will not have confirmation of the total budget it will receive from SEPIE for 2024-2025 mobilities until late June 2024. Therefore, some details, such as the maximum number of months that can be financed for each type of outgoing mobility (semester / full year) cannot be confirmed or updated on this website until the beginning of July 2024.

The maximum limit of months of financing does not interfere with the actual duration of the stay. Depending on the academic calendar of the host university, the actual duration of the mobility period may be longer than the maximum number of months of Erasmus funding received.
Erasmus - SEPIE financial support (EU funds) is guaranteed for all students with an assigned destination as long as:
  • Students deliver on time the documentation associated with the financial aid in each phase of their mobility (before mobility, upon arrival at the destination, and upon return to UPV), according to the instructions received through AIRE and by email.
  • Students submit a second online application in AIRE to formally request financial aid in a specific call that will be named "Financiación SEPIE UPV 2024-2025". This call will be published in July 2024. All students will be notified by email when they can apply.
Erasmus-SEPIE financial support in the 2024 call for the 2024-2025 academic year depends on the standard of living of the host country according to the three groups described in the following table:

Individual support. Erasmus mobility for studies - Semester-long or full academic year in intra-European mobility from Spain






Group 1

EU Countries

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finlandia, France, Germany, Irland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

Third countries not associated to the programme, Region 14:

Faroe Islands, Switzerland
(3), United Kindom,

350€ month
+ 250€ extra / month
Group 2

EU Countries

Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal,Slovakia, Slovenia

300€ month
+ 250€ extra / month
Grupo 3

EU Countries

Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye

250€ month
+250 extra / month

(1) The monthly amount could be increased. Pending updates until July 2024, when UPV receives a confirmation about the total budget allocated by the Erasmus National Agency (SEPIE), for the Erasmus Project 2024.

(2) Students under some categories defined by the Erasmus National Agency (SEPIE) following the Erasmus Strategy of Inclusion and Diversion receive an additional monthly allowance of 250 €. The categories of "students with fewer opportunities" are defined below.

(3) Students going to Swiss institutions generally receive financial support from the host institution directly and no funds from UPV (Swiss-European Mobility Programme grants financed by the Swiss Agency Movetia).

UPV will only allocate financial support if the Swiss host institution fails to provide a scholarship funded by Movetia to the UPV student. Should this be the case, the student must contact immediately the International Office of his UPV School or Faculty.


As a novelty for the academic year 2024-2025, all participants will receive a travel allowance, which is calculated based on the distance from their UPV campus (Alcoy, Gandía, Valencia) to the location of the host institution using the European Commission Distance Calculator for the Erasmus program:

DISTANCE (UPV campus to host city) TRAVEL SUPPORT
100 - 499 kms. 285 €
500 - 1999 kms. 417 €
2000 - 2999 kms. 535 €
3000 - 3999 kms 785 €
4000 - 7999 kms. 1188 €
8000 kms. or more 1735 €


Students who submit one of the following documents (issued by the relevant Spanish public administration) will receive 250 € additional monthly funding:

  1. Scholarship award notification issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education or Basque Education Department for post-secondary education in the academic year 2023-2024 or 2024-2025.
  2. Document confirming refugee status
  3. Official certificate of disability min. 33% issued by the relevant agency of a Spanish Autonomous Community
  4. "Large family" card, as defined by Spanish law
  5. Single-parent family card

This additional grant of 250€ per month is also European Union funds.

When and how do I have to submit any of these documents to receive the additional €250 per month for "students with fewer opportunities"?

This is not part of the "Before departure" documents of the student's main file on the AIRE website, where the academic recognition conditions are established and the payments are listed.

Students must wait until OPII sends them an email confirming that a new call for applications is open (only to apply for the funds). The name of the call will be "
Financiación SEPIE UPV 2024-2025". On this application, students will be able to upload any relevant documents.

This call for applications will be launched in late June or July 2024.

How and when are the payments received - SEPIE / European Union Funds

Downpayment (payment upon arrival): when the student uploads a document confirming the arrival at the host university, UPV will transfer 70% of the financial allocation. The status of your file on AIRE must be "Incorporado Destino" (At host university).

Settlement (after completing your mobility): When you finish your stay and upload the final documents to AIRE, UPV staff will check the dates of your departure certificate and calculate the actual duration in months or proportional part, and then a settlement is made. If you are eligible to receive more money, we will send you a final payment (respecting the maximum number of months previously announced for a semester or a full-year scholarship).


We are calculating this example assuming that in the academic year 2024-25 UPV will be able to finance up to 10 months of the amounts described in the chart above for student mobility implying a full academic year. We underline that the maximum number of months to be financed will not be confirmed until July 2024, as explained above.

Example: for a full academic year mobility in the Czech Republic (general grant) we allocate a student 10 months x 300 € = 3000 €

The 3000€ is the maximum amount. The student. will only receive the full amount if s/he proves that the academic activity at the host university was at least 10 months (300 days or more).

Downpayment: student receives 70% of 10 months(=7 full months) → 2100 €

Settlement: the Erasmus departure certificate signed by the host university says that the actual duration of the student mobility was 8.8 months (random example) → the total grant amount that the student is eligible for is now 8.8 months (no longer 10). In the downpayment, the student receives the missing amount :
(8.8 months x 300€ ) - 2100€ already received = 540€

You will not receive monthly payments and there are usually no other intermediate payments, unless the financial allocation of your scholarship changes: for example, your mobility changes from an initial duration of one semester to a full academic year, or you are awarded a complementary scholarship which was not initially assigned.


The Valencia Regional Gonverment (Generalitat Valencia) launches every year a call for applications with additional funds for students going on Erasmus mobility ( publica todos los años una convocatoria de Ayudas Complementarias a las Becas Erasmus para estudiantes matriculados en universidades de la Comunitat Valenciana.

These grants are only for undergraduate (bachelor) students and the allocation criteria are average grade and family income.

Students do not have to apply. The UPV will apply for the scholarship for all students (long-term mobility). If you are granted an additional scholarship, we will inform you by email (usually between November and December), we will add a new financial allocation line to your AIRE online file and you will receive an additional payment.
In 2023-2024, this scholarship was assigned to around 80 Erasmus students from the UPV, out of more than 1,100 students sent.

  • El Banco Santander ofrece unas ayudas adicionales a estudiantes con plaza Erasmus (movilidades de larga duración para estudios).ç

- 126 Becas de 1.000 euros (para toda España), dirigidas a estudiantes con necesidades socioeconómicas, el mejor expediente académico y/o situación de discapacidad igual o superior al 33%

- 748 Becas de 500 euros (para toda España)

Para 2024-25 los estudiantes deberán presentar solicitud hasta el 19 de marzo de 2024. Los estudiantes que obtengan destino Erasmus en las subastas / procesos de asignación durante febrero 2024 recibirán instrucciones específicas a finales de febrero.

Las solicitudes deberán hacerse a través de la web del Banco Santander y a través de la aplicación AIRE de la UPV en una llamada (aún no publicada) que se llamará "Becas Santander Erasmus 2024-2025".

  • Algunos municipios o Comunidades Autónomas tienen ayudas para estudiantes empadronados y que vayan a realizar movilidades Erasmus estudios. En ese caso, deberás presentar la solicitud tú miismo/a. Te recomendamos que consultes su página web por si existen ayudas para tu caso.

EMAS upv