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Regulations for electronic mailing lists
Regulations Regulations for electronic mailing lists  ...

  • • The creation of a distribution list may be requested by any UPV Service, Centre, Department, Research Group, etc. That is, all the bodies linked to the UPV. All the lists will belong to the domain "@ upv.es".
  • The request will be made by duly completing and sending by email the form provided for such purpose on ASIC’s website.

Characteristics of the Distribution List :
  • The lists that may be created in the UPV may have the following characteristics:
    - If you need to be subscribed to be able to send messages to the list: public or private.
    - Depending on the control in the subscription: open or closed.
    - If there is a moderator: moderated and unmoderated.
  • All distribution lists must have a list administrator; such person may be the applicant himself or another person in whom he delegates.

Administration of the list:
  • The administrator's password of the list is personal and non-transferable.
  • The correct use of the distribution list is the responsibility of the administrator.

NOTE:The ASIC reserves the right to modify the structure and conditions of the Distribution List Service.


EMAS upv