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Placement tests FAQ

CDL Placement Tests

Why are placement tests necessary?
Placement test are carried out to assist students in choosing the most suitable course for their needs. Each language course is designed to meet the needs of students with that particular level of language.

Are placement test compulsory?
CDL placement tests are compulsory for all students registering for a CDL course for the first time, and for all students who have previously studied at CDL but have not done so in the year prior.

When should I do the placement test?
Placement tests are organised through several days but sitting the test does not guarantee a place in one of our courses and therefore, the sooner you get your results the sooner you can register and choose courses and schedules.

How long will it take to complete a placement test?
Placement tests are 45 minutes long for the written section and 5-7 minutes for the oral interview, although waiting time might vary depending on the number of students present in that session.

What does the test consist of?
The test has a written section with 50 questions and four possible answers per question and a brief essay or text with mistakes that must be corrected. The oral section consists of a 5-7 minute interview.

When do CDL placement tests take place?
Placement test for 1st term courses- September
Placement test for 2nd term courses- January
Placement test for intensive courses- June

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