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How to get to the Alcoy campus site (Valencia) by plane

The closest airports to Alcoy are El Altet in Alicante and Manises in Valencia.

From El Altet (Alicante)

El Altet is 12 kilometres from Alicante. There is a bus every 30 minutes to the bus station, from where you can easily reach Alcoy.

From Manises (Valencia)

To travel to Alcoy, you can hire a car at the airport itself. If you prefer a cheaper option (train or bus), you will have to first get to the city of Valencia, which is about 8 kilometres from the airport. You can find information about how to get there in the different sections.

Please note that once you are in Valencia, you can take the city bus or the underground after taking a taxi or a bus from the airport, in order to connect with the train or bus to Alcoy (refer to the respective sections).


EMAS upv