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Charlas sobre Máquinas de Virus

En el ámbito de la asignatura Computación Natural, hemos organizado una serie de charlas sobre Maquinas de Virus, que se impartirán el próximo viernes por parte de
investigadores del Grupo de Computación Natural de la Universidad de Sevilla.

Máquinas de Virus
Lugar: Seminario 0S02 (DSIC)
Día: 17 de mayo de 2024
Hora: 11:00 hasta las 14:00

Breaking RSA cryptosystems by means of virus machines
Prof.Dr. Mario Pérez Jiménez
Grupo de Computación Natural, Universidad de Sevilla

Cryptography is the field that studies ways to transmit information by using secret codes in order to keep the messages secure from third parties. Usually, modern days' cryptosystem security is based in the computational complexity of the underlying computational problem, such as the semiprime factorization problem or the discrete logarithm problem. The work of a cryptanalyst is to break these codes to decode the message being transmitted. Different approaches can be taken, some of them based on the information itself, by using classical methods in the information theory area, but also can be tackled by looking for efficient solutions to the underlying problems. In this talk, we will present an innovative model of computation, virus machines, that is inspired by the spread and the replication of viruses in Nature.

Simulation, visualization and validation of virus machines
Dr. David Orellana Martín
Grupo de Computación Natural, Universidad de Sevilla

Virus machines are models of computation inspired by the spread and replication of viruses between hosts. While simple virus machines can be simulated with pen and paper, it is usual to obtain huge devices while trying to obtain interesting results, such as the universality of the system and the solution to real-life problems. Because of that, it is interesting to implement an inference engine to simulate these systems and have an easy way to translate from the formal model to a programming language that can control and simulate their behavior. In this sense, it is also interesting to try to create a generic framework of computation to deal with different variants of the model, such as parallel virus machines, virus machines with different viruses and so on, and other variants that have not been defined yet. From this point, the use of good practices of software engineering must be used in order to keep the modules well decoupled and cohesive. Besides, these systems must be verified in the formal sense, that can be done by looking for invariant formulas that are correct for the corresponding configuration of the system.

Virus machines: formal verification and open problems
Antonio Ramírez de Arellano
Grupo de Computación Natural, Universidad de Sevilla

In computer science, take Nature as an inspiration has become a tendency, also to create unconventional computing paradigms, giving new perspectives not only for real-life applications but also for looking for new theories through these new models. In the present talk, a new computing paradigm based on the propagation and replication of biological viruses is presented, focusing in different variants and the search of invariants as a technique for the formal verification of these machines.


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